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Oxford Architectural Design & Consulting
About OAD


OAD Consulting, Inc.
1064 Kings Row Rd
Oxford, PA 19363 USA
tm @ OADConsulting.com
Terry Merriman

OAD Consulting has been providing project and enterprise level architectural services for over 8 years. Founded by Terry Merriman with the purpose of leveraging his 5 years as an education professional and over 25 years designing systems for fortune 500 companies, OAD not only provides solutions but passes on the know-how through formal training and on-the-job mentoring.

The culmination of that experience has been realized by OAD in an approach to architectural design based on industry standards and supported by an extensive modeling framework. The approach and framework provide the architectural views required by the various stakeholders and ensure consistency and traceability among the views. OAD’s flexible approach provides the enterprise with the ability to…

bullet Define their architectural principles and objectives
bullet Capture their architectural assets
bullet Align the architecture to the business objectives and processes
bullet Guide development by making the architectural principles and assets readily available to development teams
bullet Provide the tools required to make conforming to the architecture the simplest path for development teams

Rather than just providing a body to do the work, our emphasis is on leading your team through the process. Consequently we offer…

bullet Lead Roles in the Above Disciplines
bullet Project Mentoring
bullet Education and Training