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Oxford Architectural Design & Consulting
Thank You for Considering

We hope you will find it to be the most comprehensive solution for modeling your enterprise architecture. When you install the evaluation product, a Quick Reference and base model will be loaded into the OAD Consulting/EA folder under your Documents folder. Once you have purchased, you will be given a link to a page for additional downloads including the most current version of the full product.

Click to download the evaluation copy of (EA)<sup>2</sup>

System Requirements:

bullet Windows version of Enterprise Architect, version 7.5 or later, Corporate Edition or higher
bullet Microsoft .NET Framework, v2.0 or higher
bullet SQL Server 2005 or 2008 (required for the SQL reporting component)

Note that the evaluation copy is limited to the modeling tools that are added into Enterprise Architect. You will get the diagram types, toolboxes, quicklinks, and tagged values. You will also get the base model for setting up the structure of your architectural model. It does not include the importable XML files for creating packages that contain an element's related structures, e.g. pre-configured diagrams, nor does it include SQL views, user-defined functions, stored procedures..