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Oxford Architectural Design & Consulting
(EA)2 User's Guide
Server Models
A Server Model represents the configuration of an item that can purchase from a Vendor. Since it is a specification, it is modeled as a UML class. It includes various tagged values that you should fill in when ever creating a Server Model.
Creating a Server Model without a Server Metamodel

Here are the steps to take when creating a new Server Model without a Server Metamodel.

  1. Create a package named for the Server Model under the Server Model package. Give it an (EA)<sup>2</sup> Infrastructure Architecture child diagram.

  2. Create a Server Model by dragging the Server Model element from the (EA)<sup>2</sup> Infrastructure Architecture Toolbox, giving it the name of the model.

  3. Add any tagged values that you want on all (or most) of your Servers to be created from this model, e.g. RAM, Number of CPUs, etc. Provide values for the tags that will be the defaults for when you create a Server instance from the Server Model.

  4. Add any embedded elements to the Server Model that will be standard, e.g. an operating system or devices like disk drives, etc.

Creating a Server Model Using a Server Metamodel

Here are the steps to take when creating a new Server Model using a Server Metamodel.

  1. Right click on the appropriate Server Meta Configuration child diagram and choose Copy Diagram from the context menu.

  2. Right click on the Server Model package and select Paste Diagram | Deep Copy from the context menu. This creates a new Server Model named after the diagram you copied in the previous step, places it under the Server Models package, and creates a new diagram directly under the Server Models package.

  3. Unless you renamed the diagram during the deep copy procedure, it will be named for the diagram you copied. Rename it to the name of the new Server Model (during the deep copy or afterwards).

  4. .Rename the newly created Server Model, which will be named after the diagram you had copied.

  5. Drag the new diagram onto the new Server Model in the Project Browser.

  6. You further configure this Server Model with any tagged values or embedded elements that are specific to this Server Model. If you want the Server Model to have a default value for any of the properties, put them in the tags' value. You will be able to override these defaults when you create Servers from this Server Model.


The following diagram shows an example of a Server Model. We see that it is approved and that we have been purchasing servers of this model since January 31, 2008. Support is provided by the Vendor who is HP. Additional tagged values for the Number of CPUs and the amount of RAM for Servers of this type has been added. Their values can be set on the Server Model and will act as default values.


Click on the topic above to see how to create Servers.
Server Metamodels
Click on the link above to see how to create a server metamodel that includes extra tagged values for information that you want to capture about your servers. Once you have created a Server Metamodel, you can use it to create Server Models that include all of the tagged values you established for the Server Metamodel. Finally,when creating Servers from your Server Model, your Servers will get the tagged values you defined.

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